the 4MB the 68000 Plus/SE/Classic machines could address. The only possible reason I could see for wanting to do this would be that running a II-series Mac with 24 bit addressing (like System 6) would allow 8MB of RAM vs. (However, it'll identify itself as a Mac II.) Supposedly the development snapshots of MinivMac have some rudimentary MacII emulation support( see the December 6th and various older news items) which will work with an SE/30 ROM. Once you're running on modern computers that are able to run an emulator faster than the original, I don't see any advantage in using a particular Mac's rom, other than perhaps the novelty value of ogling the About This Macintosh splash.
I don't recall Basilisk II working with anything less than a 32-bit clean rom, but mini vMac will boot System 6 with a Plus rom.